Local Businesses Are Leaving Major Money On The Table

Back in August, our a/c went out in our house right in the middle of the summer. It got very uncomfortable fast in our house! I looked through my network but the only guy in know in the heating and air business was not available. So, I ended up going online to Yelp (I don’t …

Should You Use Affiliate Links On Your Small Business Website?

Bob Goldberg from Food For Thought Marketing asked me an interesting question the other day. He asked me if he should be using affiliate links on his website. It’s an interesting topic and a lot of business owners make mistakes in this area, so let me tell you what I think about this. First of …

Small Business Loan Update. When Will Banks Make Loans Again?

Many people are increasingly suspicious as to when, if any, banks will again make small business loans. After all, TARP issued blank checks to the 21 major banks of $350 billion and we never saw a dime going toward loans. This was at a crucial juncture in our economy when 28 million small businesses were …