What Is A QR Code and Why Should You Care?

Recently, I added a quick response code, aka a QR code to my business card. You have probably seen these things and you might or might not know what the heck it is! Today, I’m going to explain the basics of what a QR code is and more importantly how it can help your business. …

DaytonPulse.com Interviews Lance Bradstreet

In this edition of the podcast, our guest is Lance Bradstreet of Bradstreet and Company. If you want to learn how to save big money on your taxes, this is one show you will not want to miss! Lance can be reached at www.BradstreetCpas.com To listen to the replay, click on the link on the …

Tips to Ensure a Smooth and Effective Training Program for Your Sales Team

Cynthia Reynolds asked: Well, let us put it this way: Sales and the survival of a company are both sides of the same coin. From products to high-value solutions, generating sales is the key to growth and success in any industry. The sales team plays an important role in the company by selling the product …

DaytonPulse.com Interviews Michael Ehrler

In this edition of the DaytonPulse.com podcast, our guest is Michael Ehrler of The Growth Coach. You will be inspired and motivated by all of the insights that he has to offer. Michael can be reached at www.thegrowthcoach-mehrler.com To listen to this podcast, click on the link on the left side of this page.