Interviews The Minimalists

In this episode, interviewed Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, also known as the minimalists. Ryan and Josh are two young guys from right here in Dayton, Ohio who in 9 months grew their blog to over 100,000 visitors a month. Yes, there really is good news to report right here in Dayton! We discussed …

Ivan Misner BNI – define yourself by your success

krishnadetv asked: How do you define yourself? Dr Ivan Misner the founder of recently spoke at the BNI Ireland annual conference on the importance of defining yourself by your success not your failures. Listen to a podcast of Ivan Misner and Krishna De sharing tips for networking like a pro For works … Interviews Juliet Wenzler The Time Diva

This week’s guest is Juliet Wenzler from The Time Diva. Juliet has an interesting concept called a lifestyle mamangement company. From shopping to errands to estate sales, organizing and more, Juliet can help you save time and manage your household better. To listen to the podcast replay, click on the link on the left side …