Jeffrey Gitomer’s V-Book Announcement

BuyGitomer asked:

In his trademarked V-Book, Jeffrey presents his books on video as well as audio. The V-Book contains the book in two video formats: iPod-ready digital video and standard DVD. It also contains an iPod-ready MP3 edition of the audiobook. The “v-book” is a visual component of Gitomer presenting the materials from the audiobook (and hardcover) in an interactive and presentation-styled format, so viewers can see the “message from the book” in action.

Published by Carlos Scarpero

From 2013-2016, Carlos Scarpero ran this blog and the Dayton Pulse networking group. These posts are left up as a historical record but this site is not being actively updated. Carlos has since moved on to a new job as a mortgage loan officer. To connect with Carlos, visit