How Am I Sabotaging My Future? – Part 8

Pastor Jim Riggle of Ohio, while preaching a powerful message on the consequences of the spiritual choices we make, said that choosing between what is good and what is better can be a hard choice. But, choosing between better and best is even harder. The choice he was referring to was between things of this world and things of Heaven. But, we face hard choices in smaller matters, too. You see, our perception of “good” has come to mean “good enough.”

How hard is the choice? Retired basketball coach Bobby Knight alluded to the difficulty and its win/lose consequences.

“The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win.”

I recall hearing Zig Ziglar speak to the same issue when stating that it is easy to win in the game of life when most people quit or don’t even try. He could have said that trading the best (especially before we even try) for what is merely good is a form of surrender, which is nothing less than being on the losing end of a bad deal. Doing so intentionally is a form of self-sabotage. Maybe it’s because I can hear the inimitable voice of Zig in my mind, but I like his version better.

Whether the choice is spiritual or something else, why do human beings so readily sabotage their futures by accepting what appears to be good, when better and best are available? It’s a question for every individual in all important matters and perhaps some small ones, too. Here are two questions to ask yourself …

* In what important areas of my life am I settling for less? * Why am I willing to settle?

When you discover the answers, take Zig’s advice …

“I’ve got to say ‘no’ to the good so I can say ‘yes’ to the best.”

Clancy Cross Partner/Managing Director Development Beyond Learning

Published by ClancyCross

Clancy Cross’s career as a research analyst, writer, trainer, instructor, coach, mentor, and entertainer spans over 30 years. Clancy has taught college courses and conducted training for corporations and non-profit organizations, most recently as a partner with Development Beyond Learning. He is an accomplished writer, who was first published at age 15 in Sports Illustrated and was quoted in John C. Maxwell’s recent book, ”Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.” Clancy can be reached at