Time to Sail

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ship’s are for.” —William Shedd

Are you setting sail to fulfill your dreams? Do you keep yourself tied to the dock of your comfort zone?

Sailing the ocean can be quite an exhilarating experience. Although I have never been on a sailboat in the ocean myself, those who love sailing state there is a great sense of freedom that comes from sailing the wide open seas. However, sailing can be quite a risky proposition. Getting caught in a storm can be deadly, not to mention that something could go wrong with your boat out in the middle of nowhere.

Although sailing can be risky, many people venture out anyway. Without taking a risk they will never have the opportunity to experience the freedom that comes from feeling the wind in their hair as they cruise through the vast ocean. Not to mention that it would seem pretty ridiculous to have a great boat and only show it off in the dock!

What have you been designed to do? Just as a boat is designed for a specific purpose, you have been put on this earth to make a difference in some way. Nobody has the same unique combination of passions and strengths that you possess. There might be people that strive to make an impact in the same area you do, but no one will do it in exactly the same way.

Of course you need to know what your purpose is first. If you don’t know what you are meant to do with your life, then make the commitment to discover that for yourself. Uncover what impact you want to make on the world and dedicate yourself to building a fulfilling life. Don’t wander through life aimlessly. While you might reap some short-term satisfaction with this approach to life, you will never achieve true and lasting happiness.

Maybe you already know what your purpose is but you are still afraid to set sail. You are keeping yourself tied to your current circumstances whether it is your job, lifestyle, home, or city. There are always risks and sacrifices to embarking on a journey to fulfill your purpose. However, if you don’t leave the harbor then you will never know what you are capable of achieving. Even worse, you will likely end up with deep regrets because you never took the chance to fulfill your purpose.

Whether you don’t know what your purpose is or are simply afraid to take the risk, don’t waste any more time. Dedicate yourself to developing a fulfilling career and life. It is time to set sail on the journey to realize your purpose!

Time for this week’s Authentic Excellence Action Step:

Identify three things you can do to discover your purpose and take steps to set sail.

Make it an excellent week!

J. Matthew Becker, M.Ed., ACC

J. Matthew Becker, M.Ed., ACC

Authentic Excellence LLC

Discover a Career to Fulfill Your Potential

P.O. Box 423 Oakwood, OH 45409 937-776-6857 jmatthewbecker@authentic-excellence.com



Published by J Matthew Becker

J. Matthew Becker is the owner of Authentic Excellence, LLC, a career and leadership transition coaching business. As a coach, Matt is passionate about helping clients clarify their passions and natural strengths in order to design a fulfilling career and develop a positive leadership legacy. Matt reached at can be reached at www.Authentic-Excellence.com