Make Sure Your Traffic and Parking Signs Comply With New Regulations

There are regulations related to traffic signs set for states to comply with. The Bush Administration required that certain changes take place for traffic and parking signs. Some of these changes will be completed by January 2012. There are other changes that will not by complete until January 2018.

Using MUTCD or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Devices will help cities and states to comply with these changes. One change will involve speed limit signs above 25 miles per hour. These signs will increase in lettering size. They will go from 4 inches to 6 inches. This type of change is expected to draw the attention of drivers.

The safety precaution of these changes will protect not only drivers, but pedestrians as well. Other changes will include reflective lettering. This makes maintaining speeds during the evening and night hours. As cities begin to make these purchases, they are going to need to find the right sign companies. Only companies that can provide street signs that comply are to be used. Researching individual companies is a wise way to make this choice.

Offers reflective sign options

Since the reflective detail is essential to some of these changes, this is an important requirement. If a sign company is unable to provide these offerings, it may not be the best selection. Purchasing signs from one particular company is much simpler than using multiple companies. You will need to find out what traffic signs are available before you choose a company to work with. Viewing their offerings may be the best way to make this determination.

Provide quality offerings

It will not help you to buy traffic signs simply because they are cheap. If they do not fit regulations, this will prove more costly to your city or state to replace. The quality of signs will prove important to this process as well. Good quality is critical because it will provide the best product. This means not having to worry about replacement or service on poor quality offerings. This can have a large effect on individual budgets.

Economic purchases

Budgeting will play an important role in the process of complying with regulations. Larger cities will especially feel the pinch of these costs. They will have more signs to address or replace. This is why finding the right sign company is essential. Payment plans may vary depending on the company that you choose. Economic purchases are going to be the best idea, only if signs are of good quality.

For the very best prices and fast, friendly service for traffic signs, parking signs, street signs, and road signs, check out You will be glad you did.

Make Sure Your Traffic and Parking Signs Comply With New Regulations

Published by is a Dayton, Ohio based online provider of traffic signs, parking signs, street signs, and road signs. Visit today to get the best prices on all your signage needs.