I’d like to think about it – and other sales stalls by Jeffrey Gitomer

BuyGitomer asked:

Jeffrey Gitomer answers your questions. This time the question is: My service is a financial product and my sales are incoming phone calls by prospects who have heard of me through a referral, a speaking engagement or have seen my website. They call me to ask questions about the purchase, I consider myself very skilled in sales and have a high close ratio but there is just one situation that keeps happening over and over. I get the prospect excited, I ask my close question(I remain silent for a response) and I often get, “Sounds great I want to think about it”(OR a variation thereof). I took the advice in your book to further question the prospect of what exactly they need to think about and if I can help them and I try to get the “true objection” as you state. I have done this 53 times now(as I log each sale activity and outcome) and cannot get the prospect past the point of (to group and paraphrase): “I like your service, I want to buy, but I don’t jump into large purchases like this right away, I need to sleep on it, I’ll get back to you, I’ll be ready next month” etc… Whenever I am given time delays I hold them to that call them back and receive a further time delay. I have classified the status of theses prospects of “THINKING” but they might as well be Closed/Dead. I’ve even tried using tactics(which I’m not too keen on) of if you buy now I’ll knock the price down by 20%. This just gets them to agree with me that its great but not spit out the real reason other

Published by Carlos Scarpero

From 2013-2016, Carlos Scarpero ran this blog and the Dayton Pulse networking group. These posts are left up as a historical record but this site is not being actively updated. Carlos has since moved on to a new job as a mortgage loan officer. To connect with Carlos, visit www.Scarpero.com